wheel restoration
RIVERDALE LOCAION: 6615 Highway 85 Riverdale, GA. 30274    FOREST PARK LOCATION: 4853 Jonesboro rd #B Forest Park, GA. 30297    
SERVICE CENTER: 404-394-0158    REVERDALE TEL: 770-302-0822    FOREST PARK TEL: 404-600-9926
At Special Rims we’ve teamed up with the most knowledgeable engineers to develop a state- of- the- art Whole Sale wheel repair program in which we bring factory automotive and custom chrome wheels back to life for any dealership with cars on their lot with damaged wheels, or returning customers looking for a wheel repair shop to bring their wheels back to life. Specials Rims wheel repair Whole Sale program includes all perfections (dents, scratches, and cosmetic damages) are repaired before the final finish stage. A perfect finish starts with a perfect preparation. To achieve the perfect repair, our shop is equipped with state- of- the- art measuring and refinishing equipment. To properly store the original finish we must measure the surface of the wheel to correct any existing damage. We use the same high quality paint product used by the manufacturers. To insure you that your wheel repair will always come out a 100%, and your customer and your dealership will be more than satisfied with Specials Rims work. Any wheels scraped, gouged, scratched or in need of a new look? Our patented refinishing process can restore them to look like NEW condition. These repairs include scratched, gouged, scraped, scuff, bent, dented, crooked, warped, peeling, and even wheel discoloration. A lot of times a dealerships have cars that sit for so long and the wheels tend to lose color and that’s when Special Rims comes in to bring your wheels back to “LIKE NEW” condition. We can also refinish your dull and peeling custom chrome wheels and make them shine like new again. Why buy new when we can make them look new for half the price with Special Rims Whole Sale program... We service Dealerships and Customers from all over the country with over 100 years of a combined knowledge base, our knowledgeable, professional and courteous staff has the expertise to answer ANY question- and help solve ANY wheel/rim problem you or your dealership may have. Special Rims Specialties Include:
  • Basic Cleaning
  • Structure Repair
  • Small Filler Welds or Crack Repairs
  • Frost Painting( or touch-up) on the area where was done
  • Rim Straightening
  • Curb Damage
  • Restoration of Brake Calipers and Wheel Dust Shields

wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair wheel repair

bent wheel
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